Recipient of the
Order of Canada.
Roslyn Kunin - Recipient of the Order of Canada

Ste. 901 - 1736 10th Ave. W.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6J 2A6
t  604 736 0783
f  604 736 0789


RKA Products

Whether you’re running a company, a government organization, a town or city, or just trying to survive in today’s economy, RKA can give you answers!

  1. When will the economy get better?
  2. Can resource communities survive and can they survive in an environmentally friendly way?
  3. How can a small business survive in a global economy?
  4. What’s happening in the housing market? Will we have enough workers to build the houses we need?
  5. How will treaties with First Nations affect us? How is “my town” doing compared to others?
  6. What’s happening to our industries and our workers? How can we move from declining to growing industries? How can we benefit from the rapid rate of change?
  7. What kind of opportunities will there be for my children and how can they prepare? What kind of opportunities will there be for me?

RKA provides outstanding forecasts, analysis and presentations that give solid answers for businesses, federal, provincial and local government departments, educational and other institutions and the media. Hydroelectric utilities…telecommunications firms…local credit unions — they’ve all used RKA forecasts and analyses to successfully plan for and deal with ever changing future possibilities.

We’re problem solvers! For clients from the largest federal departments to groups of job seekers. They all get useful, understandable, and helpful advise to solve problems.